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“You're More...“

Speaker: Paul Godbout

Series: More Than You Know

Primary text: Ephesians 3:14

Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: More Than You Know
Primary text: Ephesians 3:14

You're more than they say you are.

Society is often quick to assign labels to people—you’ve surely acquired some kind of label yourself. No matter what the label is, you’ve probably been limited by that label. Maybe you’re labeled “successful” or “perfectionist”, and now your sleep, peace, and relationships are limited because you constantly feel the need to outperform yourself. Maybe your label is a source of shame: “ruthless”, “untrustworthy”, or “aimless”. The limiting labels we give ourselves are crippling. These labels are lies. These labels are not who you are—you are a child of God, and you’re more than they say you are.

Other texts in this message: Genesis 25:23-26; 27:11-12, 34-36; 31:20-27; 32:24-28 Isaiah 62:2; 43:1


Read Genesis 25-33

Examine your labels.

Relabel someone

Verse for the Week: Isaiah 43:1

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs


No Longer Slaves
Bethel Music

Hymn of the Ages
Maverick City Music

Who You Say I Am
Reuben Morgan and Ben Fielding

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Who You Say I Am, Hymn of the Ages, No Longer Slaves, Alive, Genesis 25:23-26; 27:11-12, 34-36; 31:20-27; 32:24-28 Isaiah 62:2; 43:1, Ephesians 3:14, You’re more than they say you are., Paul Godbout, You’re More…, More Than You Know

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