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“You Get What You Get“

Speaker: Kelly Johnson

Series: Once Upon A Time...

Primary text: Matthew 25:14-30

Speaker: Kelly Johnson
Series: Once Upon A Time...
Primary text: Matthew 25:14-30

You get what you get so you can make the most of it.

“You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit.” The intent with this phrase is to help us be content and to avoid comparison, but it may leave you with a scarcity mindset. The idea that you’ve been dealt what you have, and you should just suck it up. In the parable of the talents, Jesus offers us an alternative to a scarcity mindset. He offers an idea that might curb your fuss, and inspire you to do more with what you’ve been given. Jesus encourages us to take our mind off our fuss, and onto our faith by teaching us you get what you get, so you can make the most of it.

Other texts in this message: John 10:9-11, James 1:22-25


Figure out who you’re working for.

Count what you’ve been given.

Put your talents to work right away.

Book Recommendation:
“Grit” by Angela Duckworth

Verse for the Week: Colossians 3:23

Prayer Requests:
[email protected]

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Worship Songs

This is Amazing Grace
Farro Joshua Neil / Wickham Phil / Riddle Jeremy

Good Grace
Joel Timothy Houston

Jesus at the Center
Israel & New Breed and Israel Houghton

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Jesus at the Center, Good Grace, This is Amazing Grace, John 10:9-11, James 1:22-25, Matthew 25:14-30, You get what you get so you can make the most of it., Kelly Johnson, You Get What You Get, Once Upon A Time…

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