“Won't You Be My Neighbor?“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: God and the Movies
Primary text: Colossians 3:12-14
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: God and the Movies
Primary text: Colossians 3:12-14

People who get love right, get life right.
What can we learn about loving each other by examining how God loves us? We know God’s love for us is unconditional. But love without condition doesn’t mean love without confrontation. Grace without truth isn’t love, but He shares that truth with compassion. What would happen if you shared that unconditional love, that truth with compassion, with your neighbor? What would happen if you considered every encounter with another human to be holy ground?
It’s one thing to have compassion on a child, or the sick, or the needy. How do you show that consideration to people who drive you nuts? How do you show compassion to a critic, a rival, an enemy? Maybe compassion would start by stepping into their world and offering a little grace yourself. Maybe compassion would understand who they are and what they really need; a friend who really cares. We all crave a world with more love. Compassion is an indispensable quality of love and people who get love right get life right.
Other texts in this message: Psalm 116:5, Psalm 103:13, Ephesians 4:32, 1 Thessalonians
Love your nearest neighbor.
Think about someone who helped you along the way and thank someone who helped you along the way.
Pass on God’s love by serving in Kids Ministry.
Recommended Book:
The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers by Amy Hollingsworth
Watch the Movie: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Verse for the Week: Colossians 3:12-14
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Worship Songs
The Way (New Horizon)
Pat Barrett
10,000 Reasons
Beth and Matt Redman

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Due to copyright rectricitons from the movies we use in this series, messages from the God and the Movies series are not broadcast or archived for viewing. Audio formats, including our weekly podcast, are also unavailable for this series. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for journeying with us!