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“When Doubt Is In the Driver's Seat“

Speaker: Paul Godbout

Series: The Gospel of John

Primary text: John 20:21-31

Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 20:21-31

Let Your Doubt Drive You to Jesus

At the end of John 20, Thomas—unlike Mary and the other disciples—didn’t see the physical evidence of Jesus’s resurrected body on that first Easter morning, and he doubted news was real. But perhaps it’s unfair that we call him “doubting Thomas”… after all, in Thomas’s skepticism, all he wanted was to experience the peace and comfort of the resurrected Jesus physically, just like everyone else got to! In our modern-day environment, perhaps you feel a bit like Thomas. Maybe it feels like your life is full of other people having spiritual encounters with Jesus; or other people’s prayers being answered. If you feel like you’ve reached the end of the road in your relationship with Jesus, don’t turn away. Keep talking, keep praying, keep researching, and let your doubts drive you to Jesus.

Other texts in this message: Matthew 13:23, Mark 4:3-8, John 11:16, 2 Corinthians 5:9


Acknowledge your doubts.
Talk about your doubts.
Pray your doubts.
Research your doubts.

Verse for the Week: Mark 9:24

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Stand In Your Love
Ethan Hulse, Josh Baldwin, Mark Harris, and Rita Springer

Andres Figueroa, Hank Bentley, Mariah McManus, Mia Fieldes, and Priscilla Houle

Another In The Fire
Chris Davenport and Joel Houston

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Stand In Your Love, Tremble, Another In The Fire, WHEN DOUBT IS IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT, Let Your Doubt Drive You to Jesus, Paul Godbout, John 20:21-31, Matthew 13:23, Mark 4:3-8, John 11:16, 2 Corinthians 5:9, Mark 9:24, The Gospel of John,

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