troy champ, suffering, instead of seeking the cause of suffering, celebrate what suffering causes, fight back with joy, hunting hope, james 1:2-4
“What Suffering Causes“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: James: The Way of Wisdom
Primary text: James 1:2-4
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: James: The Way of Wisdom
Primary text: James 1:2-4

Instead of seeking the cause of suffering, celebrate what suffering causes.
What if that which we learned in hindsight became something we believed by faith in foresight? James says don’t waste a crisis. Instead of seeking the cause of suffering, celebrate what suffering causes. Instead of asking “Why is this happening,” consider asking, “What might God want to do?” Let God open your eyes to see what he wants to do in you, not just around you.
But suffering doesn’t guarantee growth. We need to let perseverance finish its work. When we freak out, we’re likely to short-circuit the process of perseverance. It’s especially temping if we’ve developed a habit of throwing pity parties and temper tantrums, but habits can be broken. Let’s begin a new habit of considering our crises correctly. Instead of seeking the cause of suffering, why not celebrate what suffering causes?
Other texts in this message: James 1:1,5,12,19,22,26, 1 Peter 4:12, Psalm 119:71, 1 Peter 1:6-7, Proverbs 17:3
Work through James 1:2-4 with Jesus. Remember what he wants to do IN you – don’t waste a crisis.
Book Recommendations:
Hunting Hope by Nika Maples
Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg
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Worship Songs
O Come to the Altar
written by Mack Brock, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Wade Joye
I'd Rather Have Jesus
written by Rhea Miller and George Beverley Shea
This I Believe (The Creed)
written by Matt Crocker and Ben Fielding
Christ is Enough
written by Rueben Morgan and Jonas Myrin
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