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“This Life & The Next“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: The Gospel of John

Primary text: John 14:1-3

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 14:1-3

If you're too troubled about this life, maybe you're not thinking enough about the next.

Often in our discouragement with the world and our circumstances, we assume there’s nothing we can do to become encouraged. In the opening verses of John chapter 14, Jesus gives an example of encouraging thinking to his disciples as he describes eternal life. Looking elsewhere in the bible, we see that eternal life—heaven—is described first and foremost by the ever-present, unhidden, tangible presence of God. And good news: life in the presence of King Jesus is available to us now. If you’re too troubled about this life, maybe you’re not thinking enough about the next life. Imagine how the proper understanding of the next life might help you live your present life to the full.

Other texts in this message: John 11:33, 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, Revelation 21:3-4, Matthew 6:9-13


Don’t wait for Heaven to experience eternal life.

Trust Jesus with your life.

If your heart is troubles, pray the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

Check this out: Josh Gad’s Reunited Apart: “One Zoom to Rule Them All”

Book Recommendations:
Preparing for Heaven by Gary Black
The Heaven Promise by Scot McKnight

Verse for the Week: 1 Corinthians 15:58

Prayer requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

You Keep Hope Alive
Anthony Skinner, Jess Cates, and Jon Reddick

I Lift My Eyes Up
Brian Doerksen

It Is Well
Horatio Gates Spafford, Kristene DiMarco, Philip Paul Bliss

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It Is Well, I Lift My Eyes Up, You Keep Hope Alive, John 13, If you’re too troubled about this life, maybe you’re not thinking enough about the next. Troy Champ, This Life & The Next, The Gospel of John

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