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“The Wrong Question“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Once Upon A Time

Primary text: Luke 10:25-37

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Once Upon A Time
Primary text: Luke 10:25-37

"You only love God as much as you love the person you love the least."

Many people, even people who aren’t followers of Jesus, know the basic plot points of the parable of the good Samaritan, and its application to live a life of compassion.  But Jesus’ parable asks more from us than most people think. Jesus’ command is clear—to love others! And love isn’t passive. To love is not simply to not hate, but to love is to serve, to give, and to forgive. So, how do you interact with someone who’s hurt you? How do you talk to someone who disappointed you? How do you treat the person who made you look bad or poked at your insecurities? As activist & journalist Dorothy Day put it, You only love God as much as you love the person you love the least.

Other texts in this message: Mark 12:30-31, Luke 6:27-28, Colossians 3:12


Ask God to show you where you aren’t getting love right.

Start praying Colossians 3:12 over yourself everyday.

Verse for the Week: Luke 6:27-28

Prayer: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Raise A Hallelujah
Jake Stevens / Jonathan David Helser / Melissa Helser / Molly Skaggs

Stand In Your Love
Ethan Hulse / Josh Baldwin / Marcus R. Harris / Rita E Springer

No Longer Slaves
Joel Case / Jonathan David Helser / Brian Mark Johnson

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No Longer Slaves, Stand In Your Love, Raise A Hallelujah, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 6:27-28, Colossians 3:12, Luke 10:25-37, “You only love God as much as you love the person you love the least.”, The Wrong Question, The Wrong Question, Once Upon A Time

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