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“The Talkative God“

Speaker: Tara Ross

Series: Keep Singing

Primary text: Psalm 19

Speaker: Tara Ross
Series: Keep Singing
Primary text: Psalm 19

God is surprisingly talkative.

God is not in the business of hiding. He doesn’t play hard to get, and he’s not interested in keeping himself from us. On the contrary, God makes himself known in any way he can. It’s hard to miss the ways God reveals himself, and Psalm 19 is chock full of examples. God speaks through nature and the glorious wonder of creation. He speaks through scripture which guides us and protects us from ourselves. If you pay attention, you’ll hear that God often speaks louder than your fear, louder than your worry, and louder than your hurt. God is surprisingly talkative.

Other texts in this message: 1 Peter, 3:15, Isaiah 6:3, Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1


Get outside and listen to God in nature.

Don’t just read the Bible–Ask God to speak to you through it.

Aak god to help you see what you can’t see about yourself.

Verse for the Week: Psalm 19:1

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

My Testimony
Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Tiffany Hammer

Graves Into Gardens
Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Tiffany Hammer

Hymn of Ages
Benji Cowart, Julissa Otenbriet, Maryanne J. George, and Stephen Carswell

Blessed Assurance
Fanny Jane Crosby and Phoebe Palmer Knapp

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