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“The One and Only“

Speaker: Kelly Preston

Series: Other Message

Primary text: Isaiah 40:12-31

Speaker: Kelly Preston
Series: Other Message
Primary text: Isaiah 40:12-31

He never fails.

Isaiah 40 contains some of the most beautiful poetry in the Old Testament—where the weak become strong, where the tired soar on wings like eagles, where runners finish the race strong, and where the fragile keep walking forward with confidence. The passage reminds us of God’s greatness. His strength and power is beyond description, and cannot be limited by our worldly perspective. And you, as his follower, have access to this strength, today and every day. He won’t fail!

Other texts in this message:


Book Recommendations:
With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God by Skye Jethani

Verse for the Week: Isaiah 40:31

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Raise A Hallelujah
Jake Stevens / Jonathan David Helser / Melissa Helser / Molly Skaggs

Benjamin William Hastings / Brandon Lake / Dante Bowe

Firm Foundation
Austin Davis / Chandler Moore / Cody Carnes

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