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“The Kind Life”

“The Kind Life“

Speaker: Paul Godbout

Series: Get A Life

Primary text: Colossians 3:12

Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Get A Life
Primary text: Colossians 3:12

Confound them with kindness.

Did you know: disciples of Jesus are never told they should be nice to people. In fact, you won’t find the word ‘nice’ anywhere in the Bible. But you will find the word and the call to show ‘kindness’ to others throughout all of Scripture.

Join us as we explore the robust, whole-life-encompassing biblical definition of ‘kindness’ and how this attribute of disciples of Jesus could revolutionize the lives of those around us.

Other texts in this message: 2 Samuel 9:1-8, John 13:2-15, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26


Read 2 Samuel 9 & John 13 for yourself

One confounding act a day

Go to Monkeywrench… with or without your kids

Verse for the Week: Colossians 3:12-14

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Worship Songs

Rest On Us
Antoine Brown / Brandon Lake / Elyssa Smith / Harvest Parker / Jonathan Jay / Rebekah Erin White

Aaron Moses / Dante Bowe / Joe L. Barnes / Keila Marin / Lemuel Marin / Phillip Carrington Gaines

Great is Thy Faithfulness
Adam Anders / Thomas Chisholm / William Runyan

Goodness of God
Jason Ingram / Brian Johnson / Ed Cash / Ben Fielding / Jenn Johnson

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Goodness of God, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Promises, Rest On Us, 2 Samuel 9:1-8, John 13:2-15, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Colossians 3:12, Confound them with kindness. , Paul Godbout, The Kind Life, Get A Life,

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