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“The Invisible God“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Indescribable

Primary text: Genesis 37

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Indescribable
Primary text: Genesis 37

Seek him where you can't see him.

One of the most obvious and most maddening aspects of God’s character is that he’s invisible. But even when he’s hard to see, his word assures us that he is with us. Seek him where you can’t see him. When you don’t have the money you think you should have, when you get the troubling diagnosis, when you get passed up for the promotion, or when your friends reject you… In spite of your circumstances, God is closer than you think—working behind the scenes to bring about his good purposes for his people.

Other texts in this message: 2 Kings 6, Psalm 23, Genesis 39


Remember it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust.

Pray: “Lord, help me see you in my circumstances.”

Read Genesis 37-50.

Read a Where’s Waldo? Book with someone you love as a reminder to look for God on your page.

Verse for the Week: Psalm 23:4

Prayer: [email protected]

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Where Would I Be
Ryan Ofei / Demond Reed / Grace Marr / Brandon Lake / Aaron Moses / Dante Bowe

Aaron Moses / Dante Bowe / Joe L. Barnes / Keila Marin / Lemuel Marin / Phillip Carrington Gaines

Benjamin William Hastings / Brandon Lake / Dante Bowe

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