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“The Honest Life”

“The Honest Life“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Get A Life

Primary text: Colossians 3:8

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Get A Life
Primary text: Colossians 3:8

You're always under oath.

“I’m almost there.” “It was on sale.” “No, those jeans don’t accentuate the wrong things in the wrong ways.” Why do we often respond to honest questions with dishonest answers? When we do, what narrative do we play in our minds to justify the way we “stretch the truth?” This weekend, we’ll look at what the Bible has to say about honesty, why we may be inclined toward dishonesty, and exactly what’s at risk even when we tell “little” lies. Warning: the consequences are bigger than you think!

Other texts in this message: Matthew 5:33-37, Matthew 23:16-22 James 5:12, Leviticus 19:11-18, Psalm 101:7, Proverbs 12:22, Proverbs 6:16, Ephesians 4:25, Proverbs 21:6, Proverbs 26:28, Psalm 55:21, Proverbs 29:5, Colossians 3:3


Monitor your mouth.

Dissect your indiscretion.

Song Recommendation:
Man of Your Word” by Maverick City

Verse for the Week: Ephesians 4:25

Prayer Requests:
[email protected]

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Worship Songs

Glorious Day
Jason Ingram / Jonathan Smith / Kristian Stanfill / Sean Curran

Who You Say I Am
Reuben Timothy Morgan / Benjamin David Fielding

Fear Is Not My Future
Brandon Lake / Hannah Shackelford / Jonathan Jay / Nicole Hannel

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Fear Is Not My Future, Who You Say I Am, Glorious Day, Matthew 5:33-37, Matthew 23:16-22 James 5:12, Leviticus 19:11-18, Psalm 101:7, Proverbs 12:22, Proverbs 6:16, Ephesians 4:25, Proverbs 21:6, Proverbs 26:28, Psalm 55:21, Proverbs 29:5, Colossians 3:3, Colossians 3:8, You’re always under oath., Troy Champ, The Honest Life, Get A Life

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