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“The Good God“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Indescribable

Primary text: Mark 4:35-41

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Indescribable
Primary text: Mark 4:35-41

When things aren't good, God is good, and he brings good out of all things.

When you think about God, what comes to mind? Distant? Disinterested? Judgmental? Unfortunately, the picture we have of God in our minds is sometimes one of a God we’d rather ignore. But we can be assured that this picture of God is far from the truth! Throughout scripture, we see God’s goodness—notably, in Romans 8:28 In all things, God works for the good of those who love him. At times this feels far from true; it even seems like a trite cliché. Even so, when things aren’t good, God is good. And he brings good out of all things.

Other texts in this message: Romans 8:28


Don’t look for good. Look for God.

Don’t stop looking for God.

Find a new way to look for God.

Book Recommendations:
What God is God? by Philip Yancey
Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering by Timothy Keller

Join us for our Worship Night – Sunday, October 23

Verse for the Week: Romans 8:28

Prayer requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Good Grace
Joel Timothy Houston

Goodness of God
Jason Ingram / Ed Cash / Brian Mark Johnson / Jenn Louise Johnson / Ben David Fielding

Ed Cash / Ethan Hulse / Josh Baldwin

God is So Good
Ben Smith / Daniel Smith / Pat Barrett

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God is So Good, Evidence, Goodness of God, Good Grace, When things aren’t good, God is good, and he brings good out of all things. Troy Champ, The Good God, Indescribable, Romans 8:28, Mark 4:35-41

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