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“Tamar & The God Who Sees Her”

“Tamar & The God Who Sees Her“

Speaker: Paul Godbout

Series: The Life & Lyrics Of David

Primary text: 2 Samuel 13

Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: The Life & Lyrics Of David
Primary text: 2 Samuel 13

But God Sees, God Hears, God Remembers.
They pass you the ball, you take the shot at the buzzer, and the ball bounces off the rim.
The boss gives you the project, you develop and pitch the idea, and the client rejects the campaign.
Family looks to you for guidance, you make the best suggestion based on market trends, but they lose everything.
The disgrace of failing when others put their trust in you can feel impossible to come back from.
This message in our series The Life and Lyrics of David reveals the truth of what happens when our failures are confronted by God’s grace.

Other texts in this message: 2 Samuel 14:27-33, Genesis 16:13, Psalm 10:1-18, Isaiah 49:16


Get Safe

Reflect on 2 Samuel 13 this week

Pray Psalm 10 everyday this week to remind yourself
God sees you every day this week, God hears you every day
this week & God remembers you every day this week.

Talk to someone – this week

[email protected]

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Worship Songs

Firm Foundation
Austin Davis / Chandler Moore / Cody Carnes

Faithful Now
Jonathan Smith / Eddie Hoagland / Hank Bentley / Mia Leanne Cherie Fieldes

Trust In God
Brandon Lake / Christopher Joel Brown / Mitch Wong / Steven Furtick

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They pass you the ball, you take the shot at the buzzer, and the ball bounces off the rim.
The boss gives you the project, you develop and pitch the idea, and the client rejects the campaign.
Family looks to you for guidance, you make the best suggestion based on market trends, but they lose everything.
The disgrace of failing when others put their trust in you can feel impossible to come back from.
This message in our series The Life and Lyrics of David reveals the truth of what happens when our failures are confronted by God’s grace.
Firm Foundation
Faithful Now
Trust In God
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