“The Martian“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: God and the Movies
Primary text: Psalm 42:5
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: God and the Movies
Primary text: Psalm 42:5

Talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself.
Biblical hope is an eager expectation of God’s action. The word implies anticipation and endurance. And we desperately need both when life gets hard. When you hope in God, you may not know what he’s going to do or when he’s going to do it, but you know He’s up to something. Let your ultimate hope transcend your circumstances as you wait well and TELL yourself, week-by-day-by-hour that you can trust God to answer your prayers however He thinks best.
Other texts in this message: Psalm 42
How do we get a hope that’s bigger than health or wealth or success or affirmation or admiration? How do we reunite with hope after it was taken away by a devastating moment or been chipped away at by years of disappointment? Let’s try a little homework and see what happens. First, pray a prayer you’ve stopped praying, come back to those words and ask again. And again. Second, change a prayer you’ve been praying. Perhaps instead of asking God to fix it, consider asking for His help and grace in the middle of it. Third, crack open your Bible and look up passages that contain the word “hope” – what surprises or comforts or intrigues you? Fourth, lean on the wisdom of Lewis Smedes in his book, “Keeping Hope Alive.” Finally, immerse yourself in the verse below. May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace.
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Psalm 42, Talk to Yourself More Than You Listen to Yourself, Troy Champ, God and the Movies