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“Sin's Lie & God's Love“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Keep Singing

Primary text: Psalm 51

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Keep Singing
Primary text: Psalm 51

He's faithful to forgive and trustworthy to transform.

Temptation and sin are deceptive and powerful. Sin convinces you that you can’t be helped; sin convinces you that it is the best way to help; sin convinces you that it’s not even sin. It over-promises and under-delivers. Sin lies. David wrote Psalm 51 in the aftermath of incredible and heavy sin (2 Samuel 11 & 12). In giving into sin, David didn’t become an atheist; he didn’t stop believing in God or his Law. He just let God become unreal to him. Perhaps David’s story of stupidity could stop you from continuing yours. While sin lies, God is faithful to forgive, and trustworthy to transform.

Other texts in this message: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:13


Pray Psalm 51 over yourself.

Pray Psalm 51 over someone else.

Song Recommendation:
“Mercy” by Elevation Worship & Maverick City

Verse for the Week: Psalm 51:10

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Holy Water
Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, and Scott Cash

Run To The Father
Cody Carnes, Matt Maher, and Ran Jackson

I Need You More
Lindell Cooley and Bruce Haynes

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Holy Water, Run To The Father, I Need You More, Sin’s Lie and God’s Love, He’s faithful to forgive and trustworthy to transform, Troy Champ, Keep Singing, Psalm 51, 1 Samuel 11:1-12:13

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