Recommended Reading
& Resources
This guide contains a list of some of Troy’s favorite resources for spiritual formation.

Bible Translations
Perhaps the best thing you can do is own a Bible that is easy for you to read. Below I’ve recommended three translations of the Bible, though there are many others that are wonderful as well. If you cannot afford a Bible, we want to give you one. Just ask one of our welcome team members next time you’re at church.

New International Version
This is the best-selling translation of the Bible in America, and I use it as the primary translation in almost every message. The NIV is a well-rounded and versatile “mediating” translation. If you only pick up one Bible, this is a good place to start.

New Living Translation
The NLT is even easier to read than the NIV, and like the NIV, it was created by a team of biblical scholars. Capital’s founding pastor Doug Oss was on the translation committee.

The Message
The Message was translated by Eugene Peterson, in consultation with other biblical scholars. Peterson sought to convey the emotion and ideas of the Bible into contemporary language, thus many consider it more of a paraphrase than a precise translation. I believe it will inspire your devotional life in Jesus!

The New Testament for Everyone
Translated by my favorite New Testament scholar N.T. Wright, the NTFE offers a fresh and dynamic translation for a new generation of Bible-readers. The author includes brief, thoughtful introductions for each book of the New Testament. I often use this in my personal reflection on the Bible, and I highly recommend it!
Books About the Bible

The Blue Parakeet
by Scot McKnight
In this book, trusted New Testament scholar Scot McKnight offers a refreshing way to read the Bible, without trying to “tame” it. He calls followers of Jesus to understand the Scriptures in a way that transcends the traditional debates about doctrine and practice. Let this book encourage your study of the Bible!

How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth
by Gordon Fee & Mark Strauss
In this book, the authors explain how contemporary translations of the Bible are created and what makes a translation accurate and reliable. If you’d like information on the trustworthiness of our English Bible versions, this book is a good place to start.

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart
This book offers an easy-to-read manual of the Bible. The authors—two well-respected scholars—explain the different kinds of biblical literature (poetry, law, narrative, etc.) and help us understand what the Bible meant and what it means for us today. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to increase their understanding of the Bible.

Eat This Book
by Eugene Peterson
Eugene Peterson encourages us to read the Bible on its own terms as God’s revelation—and to live what we read. This is a wonderful book from a gifted writer. Peterson is well known for his translation of the entire Bible—The Message.
Spiritual Formation

The Life You’ve Always Wanted
by John Ortberg
Without question this is my favorite introduction to the spiritual disciplines. Ortberg offers a clear explanation of these ancient practices without any legalism. If you buy only one book on spiritual disciplines, it should be this one.

The Me I Want to Be
by John Ortberg
In this book, Ortberg describes the process by which we are transformed in greater detail than he does in The Life You’ve Always Wanted. Few people have shaped my spiritual life more than this author, and this is one of his most important books.

Soul Keeping
by John Ortberg
This is my favorite book from one of my favorite authors. In this work, Ortberg leans on the wisdom from his friend and mentor Dallas Willard to help readers understand the needs of the soul as we learn to live the “with God” life. I adore this book!

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform Us
by Adele Calhoun
Calhoun’s work is a treasure of tried and true spiritual practices written well enough for everyone from the novice to the master to use. The author has provided a trove of spiritual disciplines that will nourish your soul, striking a delicate balance between accessibility and depth that comes from her own faithful practice. Read it, engage the disciplines, and allow God to transform you in the deepest levels of your being.

The Spirit of the Disciplines
by Dallas Willard
Dallas Willard was a professor of philosophy at USC and a passionately devoted follower of Jesus. In this work, Willard offers an in-depth explanation of how spiritual disciplines transform our character.
Daily Devotion

The YouVersion Bible App
This isn’t a book, of course. However, it may be the most powerful resource for your soul. We’re glued to our phones all day long anyway, so we might as well use them as tools for spiritual formation when we’re not crushing candy or crafting mines. Our friends at LifeChurch have developed reading plans, devotionals, topical studies, and videos. Choose a devotional from the app, and do it with a spiritual friend!

The Bible Project
This isn’t a book either, but it’s a potent resource. By using the app or their YouTube videos, you gain access to free videos, podcasts, and other resources that will teach you about the Bible. These are some of the most relevant and exciting tools for biblical studies our world has ever seen.

Experiencing God
by Henry, Richard, & Mike Blackaby, and Claude V. King
I’ve worked through this study several times over the last few decades, and I am convinced it could radically reshape the way you live each day. The authors demonstrate through biblical and personal examples that God loves you fiercely, he longs to interact with you personally, and he wants you to join him in his work in the world.

Hidden in Christ
by James Bryan Smith
Over a one-month period, James Bryan Smith will guide you through a phrase-by-phase—sometimes word-by-word—exposition of Colossians 3:1-17. These 30 insightful devotions will help you live your faith in everyday life. I love this book!

My Utmost for His Highest
by Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest is one of the most enduring devotional books of our time. This yearlong devotional will have a profound impact on your life, guiding you as you become a better servant of Christ.

The Songs of Jesus
by Tim Keller
The Psalms were part of the Bible Jesus read. In The Songs of Jesus, Tim Keller takes readers on a yearlong journey through the Psalms. During the first six months, you’ll find a brief devotional on each of the Psalms, with a basic overview and life application. During the last six months, Keller show readers how to turn each Psalm into a prayer. Great insights from one of my favorite Bible teachers!

The Good & Beautiful God
by James Bryan Smith
In this practical book, the author challenges our thinking about who God is and how he works in our lives. As we rethink our theology, Smith offers us exercises of spiritual formation that will change us from within and help us know God more.

The Good & Beautiful Life
by James Bryan Smith
Using the Sermon on the Mount, Smith paints a picture of what life could be like if we lived our lives aligned with Christ and his kingdom. I took issue with one or two minor interpretational issues, but this is without question one of the most powerful and practical tools you could use to experience the abundant life that Jesus offers us.

The Good & Beautiful You
by James Bryan Smith
Another great installment in the series! In this work, Smith reminds us of the truths of God about who we are, so we can find hope and healing as people with immeasurable value to God.

Hearing God Through the Year
by Dallas Willard
Being close to God means communicating with him. It requires both telling him what is on our hearts in prayer and understanding what he is saying to us. With this offering of daily devotionals (six per week) Dallas Willard helps us understand how we can know the voice of God and act on it. Each day you’ll read Scripture on this topic and find suggestions for prayer, journaling, and reflection to draw you into God’s presence. You may be surprised—and even transformed—by what you discover.
General Spiritual Growth

Divine Conspiracy
by Dallas Willard
In this powerful exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, Dr. Willard reveals the true nature of the teachings of Jesus. The author shows that Jesus’ followers are intended to be his disciples, and that we have access now to the life we usually relegate to the hereafter. Outside of the Bible, this is probably the most important book in this resource guide.

The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others
by Scot McKnight
Scot McKnight shows us how Jesus’ vision forms us for even deeper expressions of love toward God and our neighbors. This book will transform your thinking of what it means to love Jesus and live as his representative to the world.

Seeking God
by Trevor Hudson
Leaning on the insight of Dallas Willard and Ignatius of Loyola, Seeking God offers practical steps we can take to seek God every day. Trevor is someone who has been seeking God for a long time, and you can trust him as a guide to help you do the same. The “Seeking Activities” at the end of each chapter are priceless!

Hearing God
by Dallas Willard
Prayer is intended to be a dialogue with God—not a monologue merely made up of our requests! This is a contemporary classic on how we can learn to hear God’s voice clearly and develop an intimate partnership with him in our lives today.

The Practice of the Presence of God
by Brother Lawrence
Written over 300 years ago, The Practice of the Presence of God reads almost like a diary. Brother Lawrence was a monk who shares his personal testimony of sharing each day with Jesus. His story paints a picture of what life in Christ could be like for you and me. I recommend finding an updated translation.

Living in Christ’s Presence
by Dallas Willard
In this book, Dr. Willard offers an overview of what life could look like if we walked with Jesus everyday. He and his co-writer John Ortberg discuss spiritual disciplines, the Trinity, and many topics related to spiritual formation. I particularly found the Q&A sections helpful. Each chapter was originally a lecture given at a conference in the last few months of Dr. Willard’s life. I recommend downloading the lectures. This is one of the most cherished books in my library.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
by Peter Scazzero
In this bestseller, Scazzero convincingly demonstrates the parallel between our emotional health and our spiritual health. I highly recommend it!
Perhaps the best thing you can do is own a Bible that is easy for you to read. Below I’ve recommended three translations of the Bible, though there are many others that are wonderful as well. If you cannot afford a Bible, we want to give you one. Just ask one of our welcome team members next time you’re at church.

Walking with God Through Pain & Suffering
by Timothy J. Keller
As usual, Dr. Keller’s writing respects both the mind and the heart. He gives careful attention to the philosophical and theological questions of suffering, while remaining sensitive to our emotions and the personal nature of pain. This is a great primer on the problem of pain.

Keeping Hope Alive
by Lewis Smedes
If you’re losing hope or if someone you love is struggling with despair, I highly recommend this book. I’ve given it to countless people who, after reading it, have found hope in God.

Experiencing Grief
by Norman Wright
If you’re in the early stages of loss and learning to cope with grief, this is the book for you. Dr. Wright’s brief but potent writing guides readers through five stages of grief, toward peace and a mature faith.

Where’s God When It Hurts?
by Philip Yancey
In this award-winning book, Philip Yancey asks the hard questions about pain and suffering. He shares stories from the Scripture, as well as his own experiences, with powerful prose.

The Question That Never Goes Away
by Philip Yancey
Thirty years after he wrote his classic Where’s God When It Hurts?, Philip Yancey returns to the important subject of suffering to help us find meaning in our pain.

Faith in the Fog
by Jeff Lucas
In this honest and vulnerable book, Jeff offers insight for our uncertainty, as he guides us through the post-resurrection story of John 21. Jeff is a personal friend to our whole community, and I know you’ll find his wisdom timely and refreshing!

God Is Just Not Fair
by Jennifer Rothschild
“Does God care? Does he hear my prayers? Is he even there?” This book asks these questions with life-giving honesty, and it’s written by a woman who went blind as a teenager, then faced depression in her 40’s. Chapter titles include: “Justice delayed, Justice Denied.” “Not the God We Expect.” “Good God, Lousy Answers.” “Stark Raving Grateful.” “Jesus Had an Unanswered Prayer Too.” Read this book with someone, and see how spiritual friendship can bring healing in a time of suffering.
Faith & Reason

Mere Christianity
by C.S. Lewis
Originally given as radio lectures in 1940’s England, Mere Christianity remains one of the finest explanations of the existence of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some readers may be familiar with his popular series The Chronicles of Narnia, which illustrates Christian themes in fantasy fiction.

The Reason for God
by Timothy Keller
Tim Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. I believe this book makes the most compelling and thoughtful argument for the existence of God. In the first half of the book, Keller comments on the most popular objections to the existence of God. The second half details his arguments for the reality of a personal God, leading to his belief in Jesus Christ. You may not agree with all of Keller’s conclusions, but if you or a friend are having trouble reconciling faith and reason, this is a must-read.

Allure of Gentleness
by Dallas Willard
Gentleness may be one of the least talked-about fruits of the spirit, but Dr. Willard suggests it’s a critical part of 21st-century apologetics and evangelism. Learn why reason, logic, and doctrine alone can’t change hearts—and why a transformed people living Christlike, humble lives can.

The Art of Forgiving
by Lewis Smedes
Over the years, I have recommended this book more than any other book (except the Bible)! I believe that every follower of Jesus should read this book and reread it regularly. If you’ve been burned, betrayed or abused, ask God to use this book to bring healing to your soul.

by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Cloud & Townsend’s groundbreaking work on boundaries has been a best seller for more than 20 years. Putting into practice the principles in this book will dramatically improve every relationship in your life.

Spiritual Friendships
by Mindy Caliguire
In this four-book series from Soul Care Resources, Mindy Caliguire gives practical, applicable wisdom for our interactions with others. The author offers amazing insights into how to form and feed life-giving, Spirit-led relationships. This is a must-read series for anyone looking to experience God’s gracious care and in turn bless others from a new perspective on connecting.

How to Have That Difficult Conversation
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Originally entitled Boundaries Face to Face, this book offers a step-by-step plan to positively confront any difficult person in your life. You won’t be bogged down in theory. The authors hand the reader practical application that can be used immediately.

by Henry Cloud
This work demonstrates that trust is essential to all human relationships, and Cloud argues that we are wired for it. With his characteristically practical prose, the author helps the reader discern when we should trust and how we can regain it if it’s lost.

Safe People: How to Find Relationships That Are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren’t
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Do you find yourself being drawn into unhealthy relationships? This book helps readers identify safe people with whom we can partner in this journey of life.

Thanks for the Feedback
by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen
Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen have spent the past fifteen years working with corporations, nonprofits, governments, and families to determine what helps us learn and what gets in our way. In Thanks for the Feedback, they explain why receiving feedback is so crucial yet so challenging, offering a simple framework and powerful tools to help us respond with curiosity and grace. Though this book is not written from an explicitly Christian viewpoint, I’ve found it to be one of the most helpful resources for my own spiritual growth—because God uses other people to shape us into the people he’s called us to be. Heen also wrote an accompanying small group curriculum for churches—Thank God for the Feedback.

Designer Sex
by Philip Yancey
The content of this book comes from a few chapters of one of Yancey’s full-length books. However, this tiny booklet packs a punch! I’ve never read a more succinct explanation of the power of human sexuality.

Boundaries in Dating
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Without question, this is the best book I’ve ever read on dating. Any single remotely interested in dating should read and apply.

The Meaning of Marriage
by Timothy J. & Kathy Keller
Okay—what in the world is a book on marriage doing in the “dating” section? First, Dr. Keller pastors a church in Manhattan made up of mostly single adults. Few married ministers have a better grasp on the single adult life than Tim Keller. Additionally, this book offers an incredible chapter on being single and a chapter on sex that you HAVE to read. But more than anything, Keller’s biblical view of marriage will help you carefully consider whom you date and how you date. Seriously—read this book!

How to Get a Date Worth Keeping
by Henry Cloud
This is Cloud’s work on dating designed to help people who feel “stuck” get “unstuck.” You may not agree with all of Cloud’s advice, but the selective reader will benefit from his sensible wisdom. Incidentally, Dr. Cloud was single well into his thirties. He speaks from personal experience.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
by Les & Leslie Parrott
If your dating relationship has turned more serious, this may be the book for you. We teach this curriculum as a course at Capital. If you’re engaged or seriously dating someone, I encourage you to take the class next time it’s offered.

The Meaning of Marriage
by Timothy J. & Kathy Keller
This book offers the best theological treatment of marriage. In this work, the Kellers offer the most complete theology of marriage I’ve every read in a marriage book. They accurately identify the greatest threat to marriage: selfishness. They talk about the power of truth, love, and grace in a relationship. I recommend this book to singles as well (see above)!

Trading Places
by Les & Leslie Parrott
This is one of the most insightful little books on marriage I’ve read in a long time. In Trading Places, Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott share a 3-step process to help you empathize with your spouse. I highly recommend taking using online assessment tool as well. If you apply the wisdom of this book to your life, your marriage will never be the same again.

Everybody Wins: Solving Conflict Without Arguing
by Gary Chapman
This is the best book on conflict resolution I’ve ever read. This book will help you listen empathetically and respect the opinion of your spouse. Don’t let its small size deceive you—this book is likely to revolutionize the way you communicate.

Boundaries in Marriage
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
This book takes the ideas from Cloud and Townsend’s original work Boundaries and applies them in the context of marriage. It offers sound insight for troubled relationships, especially those dealing with issues of control.

Rescue Your Love Life
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
I wish every couple would apply the principles of this book to their marriage. Every chapter is powerful, but chapter 1 may be the most crucial. It asks you as the reader to look inwardly and take responsibility for your own problems before addressing your spouse’s. Whether your relationship needs to be “rescued” or simply tweaked, I recommend you read this book.

The Five Love Languages
by Gary Chapman
In this modern classic, Chapman helps a couple identify and speak each other’s “love language.” I’ve seen this book save marriages on the brink of divorce. This is required reading for a thriving marriage!

Home Improvements: Negotiating Change With Your Spouse
by Gary Chapman
Dr. Chapman offers keen insight on how to bring life-giving change to your marriage without resorting to arguing or manipulation. Here’s the bad news: It’s out of print. It is, however, available on a Kindle or a Kindle App, and it’s available on audio. Honestly, it’s probably worth buying an iPad just to read this little book (I love it that much!).

Boundaries With Kids
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
“How healthy choices grow healthy children.” This is the most balanced teaching I’ve ever read on parenting. The authors take their award-winning principles and apply it to parenting.

Boundaries with Teens
by John Townsend
This book will teach you how to set healthy boundaries for yourself and your teen. Additionally, Dr. Townsend will help you understand your adolescent son or daughter, as you deal with your own issues of fear and guilt. There’s also a helpful section of the book devoted to specific circumstances commonly faced when parenting teens (e.g. alcohol, sex, defiance, disrespect, etc.).

Sticky Faith
by Kara E. Powell & Chap Clark
Research shows that half of Christian students entering college struggle with their faith in Christ. Based on extensive research, Sticky Faith offers parents resources and best practices to help their children develop faith that “sticks” with them throughout their lives. This is a challenging but refreshing book for parents who want their kids to know and trust Jesus personally.

Raising Great Kids
by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Cloud and Townsend explain how the ingredients of grace, truth and time work together to develop character in our kids. This book is designed to prepare your children for the real world with the goal of “working yourself out of the job.”

Good Good Father
by Chris Tomlin & Pat Barrett
The wonderful book introduces us to Tucker, a little bear whose town is in need. He seeks the help of the King, who offers him unconditional love. This work is a powerful way to introduce little ones to the character of our God!

Sharing God’s Love: The Jesus Creed for Children
by Scot McKnight & Laura McKnight Barringer
This is a delightful storybook that will help your children learn how to find ways to love God and love others in their world. It’s a great tool to help parents talk to their kids about how faith can show up in their kids’ lives each day. Highly recommended for parents of young children!

Boundaries for Leaders
by Henry Cloud
Drawing on the latest findings from neuroscience, Dr. Cloud shows why it’s critical for leaders to set the conditions that make’s people’s brains perform at their highest levels. If you lead people in any capacity, make reading this book a priority.

Every Good Endeavor
by Timothy J. Keller
In Every Good Endeavor, Dr. Keller presents a biblical theology for work. This is a great book that challenges readers to serve the world with integrity, discipline, creativity and passion in the workplace. And he’ll show you how your work can become an act of worship.

by Henry Cloud
Cloud defines integrity as becoming a whole person. He offers six qualities that have shocking relevance for every leader. Trusted advice from a trusted leadership coach!

Necessary Endings
by Henry Cloud
In this insightful work, Dr. Cloud instructs us how and when to allow “necessary endings” to fix what’s broken in our personal and professional lives. This is one of my favorite books from 2011. I found chapters 7 and 8 to be particularly helpful.

The One-Life Solution
by Henry Cloud
If you feel spread too thin at work, this book if for you. If you’re familiar with Cloud’s “boundaries” concepts, think of this book at “Boundaries in Business.”

Generous Justice
by Timothy J. Keller
In Generous Justice, Dr. Keller presents a biblical theology for justice and mercy. He believes our experience of grace empowers us to live a life of justice in the world. Keller does us a great service by unpacking the biblical texts on the subject.

The Hole in Our Gospel
by Richard Stearns
Rich Stearns, the CEO of World Vision, presents a compelling point: that we are saved by faith and saved for works. His book declares that Christ’s criterion for determining the authenticity of someone’s profession to follow him is whether or not he or she tangibly cares for those in need. When we care for them, we are actually caring for Christ Himself. Stearns shows that the Bible speaks boldly that there is no “whole gospel” without compassion and justice shown to the poor. This eye-opening book traces the desperate needs in the Majority World and reminds us that God expects our lives—our churches and our faith communities—to be characterized by authentic signs of our own transformation: compassion, mercy, justice, and love—demonstrated through action.
Additional Resources
Here are a few additional resources we’ve put together to help you in your daily discipleship to Jesus.