“One Thing Endures“
Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Keep Singing
Primary text: Psalm 136
Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Keep Singing
Primary text: Psalm 136
"...But Your Love Endures Forever"
We need Psalm 136 to remind us that even when we fail or get sidetracked by the worries and cares of life, God’s love endures forever. The Psalm interrupts 26 times to assure us that everything—our finances & our relationships, our worry & our shame, and our failures and celebration—its’ all swept up by God’s faithfulness and enduring love. So no matter what is occupying your thoughts today, continually interrupt your thoughts with the truth that God’s love endures forever.
Other texts in this message: Genesis 36:26,28
Write your own Psalm 136.
Surround yourself with singers.
Verse for the Week: Psalm 136:1
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
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Worship Songs
Faithful Now
Eddie Hoagland, Hank Bentley, Jonathan Smith, and Mia Fieldes
Goodness Of God
Ed Cash and Jenn Johnson
Raise A Hallelujah
Jake Stevens, Jonathan Helser, Melissa Helser, and Molly Skaggs
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Keep Singing, Faithful Now, Raise A Hallelujah, Keep Singing,“One Thing Endures“, Psalm 136, Psalm 136:1, Paul Godbout, “…But Your Love Endures Forever”, Genesis 32:26-28,
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