“Never Too Late“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 19:38-42
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 19:38-42
It's never too late to get right with God.
Jesus came into the world to tell humanity that the Kingdom of God is available now. And it’s free! But if you want to live in it, you’ve got to give up an old way of living. And the good news is that God’s grace can help. Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners—no matter what you’ve done or who you are, you are exactly the kind of person Jesus came to save. He’s the God who wants you to stop losing your temper; he’s the God who wants you to stop giving away your body so foolishly; he’s calling you to make a complete U-turn, and by his grace, he wants to help you do exactly that. It’s never too late to get right with God.
Other texts in this message: John 3:16;12:42-43, Romans 12:1, Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:14-15, Luke 5:32; 10:9
Write God a letter
Read Psalm 32
Get Baptized
Song Recommendation:
“Have My Heart” by Maverick City Music
Verse for the Week: Romans 12:1
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
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Worship Songs
Never Lost
Elevation Worship
See A Victory
Elevation Worship
Faithful Now
Vertical Worship
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Faithful Now, See A Victory, Never Lost, John 3:16;12:42-43, Romans 12:1, Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:14-15, Luke 5:32; 10:9, John 19:38-42, Its never too late to get right with God., Troy Champ, Never Too Late, The Gospel of John
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