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“Love Listens“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Meant for More

Primary text: Romans 12:15

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Meant for More
Primary text: Romans 12:15

Love listens.

In Romans 12:15, we read two of them most overlooked and disregarded commands in the Bible. They’re perhaps two of the best ways we can love another human being. “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Empathy is visibly and verbally joining someone in their situation, walking in their shoes, and sharing in their emotions. It takes a lot of work and even more time—but it is worth it.

Other texts in this message: 1 John 3:18, Proverbs 17:17; 18:13; 25:20, James 1:19, Matthew 7:12


Ask God to help you feel someone’s feelings.

Ask God to help you feel your feelings.

Fake it till you make it.

Throw somebody a party.

Book Recommendations:
Trading Places by Les & Leslie Parrott
Everybody Wins: Solving Conflict Without Arguing by Gary Chapman
Chin Up, Chinchilla by Beth Satfford & Jeremy Slagle
Hip H00rray, Hippo by Beth Satfford & Jeremy Slagle

Verse for the Week: Romans 12:15

Prayer requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Glorious Day
Jason Ingram, Jonathan Smith, Kristian Stanfill, and Sean Curran

Graves Into Gardens
Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Tiffany Hammer

King Of Kings
Brooke Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, and Scott Ligertwood

Angels We Have Heard On High
Edward Shippen Barnes James Chadwick

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LOVE LISTENS, Troy Champ, Romans 12:15, Glorious Day, Graves Into Gardens, King Of Kings, Angels We Have Heard On High, 1 John 3:18, Proverbs 17:17; 18:13; 25:20, James 1:19, Matthew 7:12


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