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“Love Can't Be Contained“

Speaker: Paul Godbout

Series: The Gospel of John

Primary text: John 15:1-8

Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 15:1-8

When you remain in his love, you can't contain his love.

The Old Testament books of the law are full of stories of God’s people rejecting him and running from him. But no matter what, God remains faithful to them. In the New Testament, we see God coming down from heaven onto Earth, stepping between the broken pieces of our wounded, sinful hearts as he walks right to the cross to die for people he knows will never hold up their end of the bargain. God is fiercely committed to remaining faithful to his covenant love toward you and all of humanity. When you remain in God’s love, you can’t contain his love—may you remain in his unceasing and life-giving love so that it might overflow to the people around you.

Other texts in this message: Deuteronomy 31:6, 1 John 4:10, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:37-40, John 15:9-17, Exodus 33:11, James 2:23, 1 John 3:16


Love God and Love Others.

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Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Tiffany Hammer

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One Thing Remains
Christa Black, Brian Johnson, and Jeremy Riddle

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Deuteronomy 31:6, 1 John 4:10, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:37-40, John 15:9-17, Exodus 33:11, James 2:23, 1 John 3:16

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