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Local Compassion

At Capital, we believe serving in our local community is an essential part of our discipleship journey with Jesus and that God asks us to use our lives to demonstrate compassion. As we do, those we serve and our world are transformed as a result.


Local Serving Opportunities

Capital Cares because everyone deserves to see themselves and be seen the way God sees them. This is our mission. And with this purpose in mind, we believe those we serve and our world are transformed as a result. We are privileged to continue to develop long-term relationships with various partners who meet the spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional needs of individuals and communities. So join your hands and feet with us as we extend care to individuals, families and organizations through our partners. To be regularly informed about upcoming opportunities, join our email distribution list by contacting us at [email protected]. To find opportunities to serve, click Find Local Serving Opportunities below.


Capital Cares Distribution Center

Capital Cares primary goods distribution program is in direct partnership with World Vision to address underserved communities including the one in five American children who are living in poverty. We cherish our volunteers who help us serve the community and love people as the irreplaceable individuals they are. Individuals and teams serve at our warehouse by sorting donated items like medical supplies, clothing, shoes, school supplies, personal care products and more. Stocking shelves and facilitating product distributions or assembling various kits for use locally and globally is also needed. To find out more about Capital Cares click the button below.

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