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“Living YOUR Life“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: The Gospel of John

Primary text: John 21:19-23

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 21:19-23

Live your life, not somebody else's.

Do you find yourself looking around at other people’s lives with a little envy? Maybe somebody else has a bigger business, more interesting friends, a healthier physique, better behaved kids, or goes on more lavish vacations… If you constantly long for the life of your neighbor, you’ll live a life of restlessness, writhing in never-ending discontentment and unhappiness. Fixating on someone else’s life robs you of joy and gets in the way of what Jesus wants you to experience on your journey with him. You don’t need envy to get where you need to go; in fact, if you really want to love your life, you need to live your life and not somebody else’s.

Other texts in this message: Proverbs 14:30, Hebrews 12:1-2, Deuteronomy 5:21


Ask God to change the way you think about your life and everybody else’s life.

Seriously reconsider your social media habits.

Verse for the Week: Proverbs 14:30

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Faithful Now
Eddie Hoagland, Hank Bentley, Jonathan Smith, and Mia Fieldes

Ever Be
Bobby Strand, Chris Greely, Gabriel Wilson, and Kalley Heiligenthal

Hymn Of The Ages
Benji Cowart, Julissa Otenbriet, Maryanne J. George, and Stephen Carswell

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Faithful Now, Ever Be, Hymn Of The Ages, Living YOUR Life, Live Your Life Not Somebody Else’s, Troy Champ, John 21:19-23, Proverbs 14:30, Hebrews 12:1-2, Deuteronomy 5:21

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