“Life's Not Fair“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Closer Than You Think
Primary text: Genesis 39:1-23
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Closer Than You Think
Primary text: Genesis 39:1-23

Life's not fair, but God's not finished.
As we dig into the story of Joseph, we learn how the truths of it can parallel our own lives. We are not promised that if we obey the commands and eat our veggies, we’ll live a long and happy life. But the arch of the Joseph story teaches us that life’s not fair, but God’s not finished. You may look around you and see someone else who seems to have it better than you. Their business takes off, while yours forces you to take on a 2nd mortgage. They skim their textbook and ace the exam while you shed blood for a B-. They find love, you find like. It’s just not fair. But when life’s not fair, may you find the faith to recognize God is not finished with your story.
Other texts in this message: Psalm 73:1-28, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Isaiah 43:1-3
Pray your doubts. Maybe you’ve been questioning your faith lately. Maybe you or someone else along the journey has poked holes in the belief you held as a child. Maybe your concepts of God and life aren’t standing up to new ideas you’re hearing from peers or professors. Or maybe suffering is causing you to rethink everything. If so, this week’s homework is for you. Pray your doubts. Bring your doubts to God. Fuss and fume at Him. Talk to Him about that worst case scenario you keep playing in your head. And step into Isaiah 43:1-3. Just like our study of Joseph, God is closer than you think.
Read the poem, The Real Work by Wendell Berry
Verse for the Week: Isaiah 43:1-3
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Worship Songs
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Psalm 73:1-28, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Isaiah 43:1-3, Genesis 39:1-23, Troy Champ, Closer Than You Think, Joseph, Life’s Not Fair but God’s not finished
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