Keep Singing
The book of Psalms is the songbook of God’s people. The songwriters of the Psalms model for us how to keep singing in any and every circumstance Through crisis & contentment, suffering & success, problems & prosperity—the Psalms help us find our song to worship God through it all.
Keep Singing
Life is filled with flourishing and thriving, but also suffering and dying. You might be unhappy, unmarried, unemployed, or unsatisfied—but what if you didn’t have to wait around for a resolution before praising God? Psalm 103 articulates the...
April 25, 2021
Keep Singing
Are you being pummeled by a problem that is utterly out of your control? Do you feel helpless? Powerless? If you’re facing a calamity that’s bigger than you, then Psalm 46 may be a passage for you this season. Psalm 46 is a psalm of trust...
May 2, 2021
Keep Singing
Through Psalm 32, David teaches us an important truth about how our soul works—if you bottle something up, you’ll blow up; if you shove your sin under the rug, you’ll just keep tripping over it. When you cover your sin and stuff it out of sight...
May 9, 2021
Keep Singing
We need Psalm 136 to remind us that even when we fail or get sidetracked by the worries and cares of life, God’s love endures forever. The Psalm interrupts 26 times to assure us that everything—our finances & our relationships, our worry & our...
May 16, 2021
Keep Singing
Psalm 20 is a psalm for leaders. In it, we find helpful information about how leaders need to pray, and how leaders need to lead. Before you write off this psalm because you don’t think you’re a leader, think again! You don’t have to be leading a...
May 23, 2021
Keep Singing
God is not in the business of hiding. He doesn’t play hard to get, and he’s not interested in keeping himself from us. On the contrary, God makes himself known in any way he can. It’s hard to miss the ways God reveals himself, and Psalm 19 is...
May 30, 2021
Keep Singing
Psalm 44 can feel like a pretty grim work of poetry—it describes a raw and real pain, and registers complaint after complaint to God. And it doesn’t even resolve! The writer is left in brokenness and confusion at why they’ve been seemingly...
June 6, 2021
Keep Singing
Psalm 141 is a prayer of self-correction and refinement. In it, David prays that God would protect him from temptation; he prays that God would make him receptive to correction and difficult truth; essentially, David prays, “God, change my heart...
June 13, 2021
Keep Singing
In our culture, we often correlate blessing and happiness with circumstance. Maybe you’ve got a fulfilling job, a happy & loving family, a secure income, successful & interesting friends—your happiness is sure, right? Psalm 1 tells us that maybe...
June 20, 2021
Keep Singing
People fail all the time. Politicians, public figures, personal friends–but it’s especially disappointing when God’s people fail. Even if the most important people in your life fail you, your faith doesn’t have to fail because you can place that...
June 27, 2021
Keep Singing
David wrote Psalm 27 during a difficult and dark season—he was going through the unimaginable. Can you relate? Have you had a time in your life when it seemed like you were being pummeled on all sides? On top of the global challenges that we all...
July 4, 2021
Keep Singing
The entire book of Psalms ends with 6 short verses all about praising the Lord. Praise isn’t just a mode of happiness because we feel good, or we’ve gotten through some storm. We praise because we know that lament isn’t the end of the story. We...
July 11, 2021
Keep Singing
When David wrote “taste and see that the Lord is good” in Psalm 34, he wanted the world to know and experience the abundant life he had found in God. He desperately wanted to share what he had found in God’s faithfulness. But, importantly, David’s...
July 18, 2021
Keep Singing
Psalm 73 is a lament in which the Psalmist looks at the world around him and concludes that something is not right. While the psalm writer does his part in being faithful to God and checks all the right boxes to live righteously, God doesn’t seem...
July 25, 2021
Keep Singing
It is one thing to know the facts of creation and to have a conceptual idea of the power of God. From the start of the universe, to the creation of man, to the intricate design of every unique snowflake on earth, God is the all-powerful, ultimate...
August 1, 2021
Keep Singing
Psalm 131 reminds us to put our hope in God at all times. You probably don’t need to be reminded to put your hope in God when you’re battling depression, facing chronic pain, or the loss of a job or a loved one. But what about when the depression...
August 8, 2021
Keep Singing
Temptation and sin are deceptive and powerful. Sin convinces you that you can’t be helped; sin convinces you that it is the best way to help; sin convinces you that it’s not even sin. It over-promises and under-delivers. Sin lies. David wrote...
August 15, 2021
Keep Singing
God doesn’t promise a life absent of trouble, but he promises that he’ll take us through the trouble. Psalm 121 is meant to be sung as a reminder of God’s character and faithfulness—it delivers confidence that God’s vigilant and caring competence ...
August 22, 2021
Keep Singing
Maybe you’re in a season of waiting right now—waiting and striving for a new job with no success, waiting on God to heal your body, but it hasn’t happened; waiting and begging God to restore your marriage, but the arguments keep getting louder…
August 29, 2021
Past Message Series

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