Inside Out
Perched above, the Sea of Galilee below, his disciples listening in—Jesus shares the longest stretch of instruction for life that was as riveting and relevant then as it is today. The Sermon on the Mount reveals the secrets of life. God didn’t hand us a system of rules and regulations to follow; instead, Jesus explains how God originally intended us to live. In this series, we’ll sit at the feet of Jesus with the first disciples, peeling back each layer of Matthew 5-7, to discover that God isn’t interested in modifying our behavior to conform to his standards. He wants us to become the kind of people who will naturally live the way He intended. He plans to change us from the Inside Out.
Inside Out
Real change grows from the inside out. You have to start with the heart. Throughout His teaching, Jesus gives little regard to perception management. He’s not interested in optics. Would you rather look holy or be holy? Would you rather look...
April 9, 2018
Inside Out
A few potential titles for this weekend’s sermon could be: “Did I hear God Say, Oops?”, “Sex, Sex, and More Sex”, or maybe “Living Morally In an Immoral World”. Instead, we ended up with “Personal Damage Control”. In Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus teaches...
April 16, 2018
Inside Out
Matthew 5:21 “You’ve heard it said, ‘you shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I say to you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.” You may have heard the saying...
April 23, 2018
Inside Out
In Matthew 5:13, Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth.” As the salt of the earth, everywhere you go, you’re going to bring the taste of heaven down to earth. Where people taste bitterness, we bring forgiveness. Where people taste sourness...
May 2, 2018
Inside Out
In Matthew 5:33-37, Jesus addresses honesty by explaining that God’s people should be defined by their simple, honest speech. Every word should be just as truthful as if he or she sore an oath. Is there an area of your life that is currently not...
May 6, 2018
Inside Out
How do you respond when someone sins against you? Do you sin back? Jesus doesn’t want us to see conflict as winning and losing. It’s not just a choice between fight or flight. He gives us a third option: love. If we respond with love, it reverses...
May 13, 2018
Inside Out
We all have preconceived ideas of who people are, whether good or bad, spiritual or not. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus tells us we will recognize followers of Jesus by the good fruit they produce. Not perfect fruit, just good fruit...
May 21, 2018
Inside Out
Directly or indirectly we have all been affected by divorce. Maybe you watched your parent’s marriage fall apart as a child or maybe you know firsthand the devastation and pain that comes from broken vows and promises...
May 28, 2018
Inside Out
The #1 surefire way to ruin a relationship? Play fair. Give them what they deserve. As Ann Voskamp writes, “The only thing that can overcome evil is good. Returning evil for evil just overcomes us.” Don’t play fair. Play better than fair and love...
June 4, 2018
Inside Out
Our culture teaches us to become experts in the art of perception management. We obsess over optics. How we look and what people think of us often matters too much. So, how do we learn to recognize and root out the need for perception management...
June 11, 2018
Inside Out
Often referred to as the Lord’s Prayer, in this section of the Sermon on the Mount we find a model prayer for each of us. Jesus said to address God as “our Father” when we pray, and not simply as “my Father” or “your Father.”
June 19, 2018
Inside Out
We all use the expression: Heaven on Earth. But what do we mean when we say that? If heaven is the sphere where God's will is perfectly followed, then wherever Heaven is peace reigns, justice holds sway, and love is the rule obeyed.
July 1, 2018
Inside Out
In the second verse of The Lord's Prayer, Jesus calls us to bring glory to God's name. When we say to the world, "I am a Christian", we say "This is what it looks like to live a life with Christ." Are you living up to His name? Does your life...
July 8, 2018
Inside Out
Are you haunted by a fear of not having what you need when you need it? Do you fear not having enough time, money, wisdom, or talent? Is your fear of not having enough robbing you of your joy? Now imagine being free of fear. Imagine facing...
July 15, 2018
Inside Out
As we continue our study of the Lord’s prayer this week, Jesus calls us to examine the presence and source of temptation in our lives. Though we traditionally translate the prayer “lead us not into temptation”, it is best understood in a...
July 22, 2018
Inside Out
In this week’s study of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls our attention to God’s forgiveness. Some of us have been walking with the heavy weight of guilt and shame of our sins. Maybe it’s a guilt you’ve carried around for years. Everybody has a...
July 29, 2018
Inside Out
Anyone who has tried to forgive the sins of others can attest to the true glory and strength our God shows in his forgiveness. We can take the example of Jesus, and how he modeled forgiveness to apply to our own lives. Jesus took the initiative to of
August 5, 2018
Inside Out
We are often quick to assume, quick to judge, and quick to tell ourselves a story about who or what we see. Jesus shows us how to push through the external traits and impressions of the world around us and into the inner conditions of righteousness.
August 13, 2018
Inside Out
This week in our examination of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares some words of wisdom on the worries we carry in our lives and how we address them. Odds are, wherever you are today, there is something worrying you in your life right now...
August 22, 2018
Inside Out
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus describes the life of His followers. He declares that those who live in tune with what God is doing on the Earth are generous people. His disciples don't just give, they naturally give. They joyfully give...
August 28, 2018
Inside Out
Is there something you know God wants you to do? Where does His grace want to take you? Think back over all we’ve learned together from the Sermon on the Mount. This time when hear God’s call, don’t just listen with your ears… listen with your life
September 4, 2018
Past Message Series

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