“Helping or Hindering?“
Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Chasing Wisdom
Primary text: Proverbs 6:16-19
Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Chasing Wisdom
Primary text: Proverbs 6:16-19
What you do and don't do impacts what God is up to..
Proverbs 6 gives us an non-exhaustive list of a few things God despises—haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a wicked heart, evil feet, and a false witness. The list makes clear that God cares about what we do with our bodies, with our minds, with our words, and with our relationships. There’s not a single part of our lives that God doesn’t care about! Why is that? Because God created every part of you for a purpose. You were created to know God and draw closer to him. In doing so, you can live the kind of life for others to know God and become more like him. What you do and what you don’t do impacts what God’s up to—so do everything you can to facilitate whatever God is up to in you.
Other texts in this message: Genesis 2:7, Matthew 9:12-13, Luke 4:40; 22:25-27, Zechariah 8:16, Isaiah 52:7, Ephesians 4:17-25, 1 Peter 4:8
What do you need to start doing to help with what God is doing?
What do you need to stop doing to help with what God is doing?
Read & Live Ephesians 4
Song Recommendation:
I Want to be More Like You by Clint Brown
“Real Christmas Songs for Eric” tinyurl.com/realchristmassongforeric
Verse for the Week: Ephesians 4:24
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
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Worship Songs
Ever Be
Bobby Strand, Chris Greely, Gabriel Wilson, and Kalley Heiligenthal
King Of My Heart
John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan
King Of Kings
Brooke Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, and Scott Ligertwood
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Proverbs 6:16-19, Helping or Hindering?, Chasing Wisdom, Paul Godbout, what You Do and Don’t Do Impacts What God Is Up To, Genesis 2:7, Matthew 9:12-13, Luke 4:40; 22:25-27, Zechariah 8:16, Isaiah 52:7, Ephesians 4:17-25, 1 Peter 4:8, Ever Be, King Of My Heart, King Of Kings.
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