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“Good & Beautiful Friendship“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Other Messages

Primary text: Psalm 133

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Psalm 133

If you're living alone, you're not really living.

Psalm 133, one of the shortest psalms in the Psalter, offers one of the most important yet overlooked truths about life. It describes the beautiful luxury, extravagance, and abundance that can be found in spiritual community. If you experience what is described in Psalm 133, it can transform your life! The pain and hurt from broken marriages, broken friendships, and broken families can be healed and restored. If you’re living your life alone, you’re not really living.

Other texts in this message: John 13:34-35

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Worship Songs

Raise a Hallelujah
Jake Stevens, Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser, Molly Skaggs

Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan, William Batchelder Bradbury

Build My Life
Brett Younker, Karl Martin, Kirby Kaple, Matt Redman, Pat Barrett


Small Groups, Troy Champ, Friendship, Spiritual Friendship, Love One Another, Spiritual Community, Koinonia, Abundance, IF YOure Living alone youre not really living, good and beautiful friendship,

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