God and the Movies 2022
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood. This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. We invite you to join us each weekend throughout this series in-person at our Salt Lake (Saturday at 6:45pm, Sunday at 9:15am ad 11am) and Park City Locations (Saturday at 5pm). Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
If you are unable to join us online, we invite you to watch the service live at 9:15 am on Sundays only at Due to copyright restrictions from the movies we use in this series, messages from the God and the Movies series are only broadcast live and are not available for viewing after the service concludes. Audio formats, including our weekly podcast, are also unavailable for this series. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for journeying with us!
Past Message Series