“Managing Expectations“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 12:12-36
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 12:12-36
If God's not meeting your expectations, maybe your expectations are too low.
The life of Jesus, particularly the story we read in John chapter 12, reveals that our expectations of God are often not met. But the problem is we’re usually thinking too small & setting our sights on short-term outcomes. We’re not able to see the bigger picture of God’s plan. We may be missing what he’s doing in us through the pain and uncertainty. Jesus desperately wants you to experience shalom—rich, satisfying, fullness—in every area of your life. Perhaps our expectations aren’t being met because they are too low for what God has in store. As you tell God what you think you want, remember to also trust him with what you need.
Other texts in this message: Luke 19:29-44, Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 118
Tell God what you want, but trust him for what you need.
Read Psalm 118
Verse for the Week: Psalm 118:1
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Extra Credit: Find a farm or a petting zoo and snap a photo of yourself with a donkey and post it to Social Media, tag @capitalchurch.
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Worship Songs
Raise a Hallelujah
Jake Stevens, Jonathan Helser, Melissa Helser, and Molly Skaggs
See A Victory
Ben Fielding, Chris Brown, Jason Ingram, and Steven Furtick
Surrounded (Fight My Battles)
Elyssa Smith and Justin Williams
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Surrounded (Fight My Battles), See A Victory, Raise a Hallelujah, Luke 19:29-44, Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 118, If God’s not meeting your expectations, maybe your expectations are too low. Troy Champ, Managing Expectations, The Gospel of John, John 12:12-36
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