Philippians 4:11-13, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Deuteronomy 5:21, Colossians 3:5, Proverbs, Philippians 4:19, {Proverbs 14:30, Enough is Enough, Stuff, more promises peace, but tears you to pieces, Nieman Marcus Catalog, Stuff, Money, Tara Ross
“Enough is Enough“
Speaker: Tara Ross
Series: Stuff
Primary text: Proverbs 14:30
Speaker: Tara Ross
Series: Stuff
Primary text: Proverbs 14:30

More promises peace, but tears you to pieces.
There’s nothing wrong with wealth or drive, but if the PURSUIT of wealth drives you, you won’t like where it takes you. “More” isn’t working.. Where do we draw the line? How do we know when to say “enough”? Note: We’re not talking about healthy ambition. You should become everything God created you to be! What we’re talking about is an unhealthy discontentment that seeps into your soul and makes you miserable. It’s a monster that gets hungrier as you feed it. When we long for the life of our neighbor, we’ll live a life of restlessness. When we trust God with his gifts, we can finally enjoy life and see all of the beauty, and joy, and love around us. A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. “More” promises peace, but tears you to pieces.
Other texts in this message: Philippians 4:11-13, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Deuteronomy 5:21, Colossians 3:5, Proverbs, Philippians 4:19
Contemplate the cost of envy. Has envy, your pursuit of “more”, crowded out friendships? What has it done to your marriage? Your family life? Now, contemplate the impact of peace. What would it be like to live completely free of jealousy? To have a heart of peace? If you are not chasing after “more” and sacrificing for “more”, what does that free you up to do? What does that allow you to enjoy? Write it down. The Lord will show you as you cast a compelling vision for what your life would be like if you learned to lean on Him and experience a life of true contentment.
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Worship Songs
Angels We Have Heard On High
Traditional French carol, arranged by Casey Darnall
O Holy Night
written by Adolphe Adam and Leonard Cohen, arranged by Lincoln Brewster
What Child is This?
written by John Mason Neale, arranged by David Crowder, Mark Waldrop, Mike Hogan, Jack Parker, Mike Dodson, and Jeremy Bush
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