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“Direction in Distress“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Other Messages

Primary text: Psalm 25

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Psalm 25

If you really want God's guidance, become the kind of person God guides.

In this message we study Psalm 25 and James 1 to explore how to seek God’s wisdom. Psalm 25 is a prayer for God’s guidance, particularly in times of crisis and when things are going wrong. James 1 makes clear that God is committed to giving wisdom with an unwavering, single-minded generosity. But, to receive God’s wisdom in one area of your life, you must be sure not to ignore him in another area. As you seek God’s guidance, contemplate where you need his wisdom and how you may have been ignoring God elsewhere. If you really want God’s guidance, you need to become the kind of person God guides.

Other texts in this message: James 1:5-8


Identify 2-3 areas you lack wisdom and ask God for it every day next month.

Identify an area in which you’re ignoring God, and stop it.

Verse for the Week: Psalm 25

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

Yes I Will
Eddie Hoagland, Jonathan Smith, and Mia Fieldes

Great Are You Lord
David Leonard, Jason Ingram, Leslie Jordan

Praise Your Name
Annalise Bush, Rhyan Shirley, and Corey Voss

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