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Care & Support

Capital Care & Support is designed to come alongside people in our community during a time of need. Life is full of seasons – sometimes we’re in a season of need and sometimes a season where we can serve. Do you need support? Email us at [email protected] to let us know how we can pray and come alongside you at this time. Sign up to join the meals or visits team, or let us know of an individual who needs care or support using the links below.

Serve @ Capital

Join Our Team

Caring for one another can look different for everyone. It may involve taking someone a meal, visiting in the hospital or home, providing pastoral care, prayer, or even sending a beautiful bouquet of flowers to brighten someone’s day.

Whenever a new baby arrives, a hospitalization occurs, a time of loss is experienced, or during an unexpected event, we want to care for and support each other as part of life in community.

You don’t have to be a great cook to take a meal – Take out is ok too! You don’t have to be an ordained pastor to sit and pray with someone or visit a Capital friend in need. The gesture of showing up, taking a meal, or just giving someone’s hand a gentle squeeze says “you’re not alone”, “you are loved”, and “we are with you!”


Freedom Prayer

Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry that exists to help with the process of recognizing and resolving anything that would keep us from an abiding relationship with God. It is a “first responder” ministry, focused on equipping individuals to prayerfully examine with God anything might hinder their Christian walk.

Freedom Prayer exists to provide solid biblical reconciliation and restoration, that promotes a healthy prayer life and disciples individuals into a whole and abiding relationship with God. These prayer times occur in small groups of three people within our Capital Church Freedom Prayer team framework.

If you’d like to learn more about Freedom Prayer and or schedule an in-person prayer session, fill out the form on this page using the button below or contact our team at [email protected].


Recommended Counselors

Receiving counseling from a trained professional may be the best way for you to “own” your own spiritual growth. Counselors are trained to ask good questions and guide us to a place of spiritual and emotional health. Here is the contact information for some Christian counselors in our area. If you are struggling or in need of someone to talk to, we’d love to help connect you with someone who can help, email us at [email protected].

Lewis Hancock PHD

3229 Melbourne Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
(801) 823-0024

Marlene Woertz LMFT

8160 S. Highland Drive, Suite 105
Sandy, UT 84093
(530) 409-9514

Mandy Begg, LBC

Email Mandy

Leah Harter LCMHC, LPC

1283 Deer Valley Dr.
Park City, UT 84068
435-649-2260 x1
Email Leah
Christian Center of Park City Counseling Services

Jillian Swelland, LPC

4578 S Highland Dr
Salt Lake City, UT
Email Jillian

The Center for Christian Counseling

2469 E. Fort Union #206
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
(801) 747-9857
The Center for Christian Therapy

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