“Bigger than Big, Closer than Close“
Speaker: Jeff Lucas
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Genesis 1:1-5
Speaker: Jeff Lucas
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Genesis 1:1-5

Gos is bigger than big and closer than close.
Have you sent a prayer to heaven, and silently wondered if God really hears you? Have you given your life to Christ only to slowly take pieces of it back because you fear he shouldn’t be bothered or because you can manage some parts without him?
When we don’t receive the immediate satisfaction of God’s presence and our prayers seem unanswered, it may feel as though he’s a million miles away. It may be tempting to think the creator of all that exists couldn’t possibly have the time or desire to be with us in our everyday struggles.
But our God is bigger than big and closer than close.
There are no circumstances too big or small for his notice. He delights when we seek his help. Even when he fails to respond in the way we think he should, God undoubtedly hears us. He wants to give us all we need in each season of our lives.
Other texts in this message: Exodus 6:5-8, Exodus 20:1-2, Psalm 19, Nehemiah 9:5-6, Isaiah 55:9, Psalm 36:5-6, Isaiah 40:12-31
Read Isaiah 40:12-31 Consider how your impression of God compares to these verses. How do you include God in your life?
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Jeff Lucas, Bigger than Big and Closer than Close, Pray, Trust, Isaiah 40, struggles
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