It’s been said that the one nonnegotiable to becoming more like Jesus is that you must be with Jesus. But…how are 21st century disciples supposed to actually be with Jesus? That’s what our new series Becoming is all about. Each week, we’ll step into stories and principles from the Bible to discover the practices that disciples have been utilizing to be with Jesus for 2000 years so we can creatively engage with them in our own lives to become like him today.

When you're training for a job, you're usually paired with a leader who knows the job inside and out. The process may involve reading some manuals and watching training videos, but the most valuable part of the training process is being with...
October 15, 2024
Maybe it's your favorite professor in college who has asked you to be her TA. Perhaps it's a graphic designer you follow on Instagram who is gladly giving you feedback on your work. It could be a mom in your community, a coach you play under...
October 22, 2024
When you sit down to watch the movie you've been excited to see, you're not going to watch it while at a parade for many reasons - for one thing, you won't be able to hear the dialogue.
If you need to have an important, vulnerable conversation...
November 5, 2024
If your car breaks down you have to take it to your mechanic. If your computer isn't working properly you have to reach out to your IT department. If your coworker's negligence is undermining the project you have to go to your boss.
When this...
November 11, 2024
You've seen them. You've made the observation. You've made the jokes.
Medication commercials that highlight their ability to address one problem spend a comedic amount of time warning of the laundry list of problems they may cause.
The Bible...
November 18, 2024
It's the holiday season. Your schedule is jammed. You're busy with shopping for food to make and take to parties. Then there's the stress of actually going to the party. You're buying thinking about what presents to get for whom. Then there's the...
November 24, 2024
You do it for strangers. Strangers certainly do it for you. Family, friends, acquaintances, at restaurants, online, in traffic, at the park - everyone is doing it everywhere.
What is this widespread activity permeating every area of life? Serving...
December 1, 2024
Problems are unavoidable in our world. Stress is unavoidable in our world. Trials are unavoidable in our world. The temptation to lose ourselves in the problems, stresses and trials pervades our world.
But what if there's a way to overcome them...
December 9, 2024
If you love Disney, you're going to orient your spending around saving for a trip to Disney World. If you love skiing or snowboarding, you're going to orient your schedule around time on the slopes. Whatever you love, you're going to orient every...
December 17, 2024
Your doctor requires it. Your waiter expects it. Your girlfriend demands it.
Your doctor can't give you the medicine to ease your pain if you won't admit you're sick. Your waiter can't bring you the food to satisfy and silence...
December 22, 2024
Past Message Series
The flawed but faith-filled journey of Peter.
The modern era of storytelling has shown that "likable" characters don't drive us to binge a series - "relatable" ones do. We may not like or approve of everything he does, but there is perhaps no one in the Bible more relatable than the disciple Peter. Real is a series examining the triumphs and the trials of life with Jesus through the flawed yet faith-filled eyes of Peter.
Hebrews 12:1-3
There's a time to plan and there's a time to put the pedal to the floor and go. Few passages call disciples of Jesus to take immediate action to stop settling for a half-lived life of compromise and, instead, throw ourselves into a life of faith in Jesus quite like Hebrews 12:1-3. In this series, we mine the depths of these three verses to empower us to throw off all excuses and hindrances so we can actively respond to the invitation of Jesus - "Lesssgoooo!" - and join him in the work he's doing in the world.
More Like Jesus
It’s been said that the one nonnegotiable to becoming more like Jesus is that you must be with Jesus. But…how are 21st century disciples supposed to actually be with Jesus? That’s what our new series Becoming is all about. Each week, we’ll step into stories and principles from the Bible to discover the practices that disciples have been utilizing to be with Jesus for 2000 years so we can creatively engage with them in our own lives to become like him today.
God and the Movies 2024
God speaks in many ways, sometimes he uses Hollywood
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood. This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
The Life & Lyrics of David
Exploring the Story of King David
Eugene Peterson said, “Story is the primary way in which the revelation of God is given to us.” That’s because, to quote Peterson again, “Story isn’t imposed on our lives; it invites us into its life.” The longest story in the Bible chronicles the life of David. Weaving his songs into his story, this series invites us into the life of David in order to better understand the nature and character of David’s God.
The Cycle of Grace
Learning to Live Beyond Burnout
Do you feel tired and overwhelmed? Do you live in a perpetual state of anxiety, fearing you'll never get caught up, let alone get ahead? Is burnout on the horizon - or are you already there? What if the rhythm of Jesus' life gave us a pattern we could follow to safeguard ourselves from feeling overwhelmed and anxious, as well as prevent us from ever experiencing burnout? In this series, we expose the cycle our culture traps us in that produces death, and examine the cycle Jesus abided in that produces a sustainable and satisfying life in God.
Overflowing Hope
Living a life fueled by hope
Author and ethicist Lewis Smedes says, “Hope is to our spirits what oxygen is to our lungs. Lose hope and you die. They may not bury you for a while, but without hope you are dead inside…hope is the energy of the soul.” In this series, we’re setting our hearts on the God of hope and how he invites us into a life fueled by overflowing hope in him. We’ll explore passages found throughout the Bible that all reinforce the Apostle Paul’s prayer found in Romans 15:13 and how the God of hope goes about infusing his eternal hope into our souls.
God and the Movies 2023
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood. This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
Get A Life
Colossians 3:1-17
As Dallas Willard has said, Jesus came not just to get people into heaven, but to get heaven into people. As God’s people, we are called to a new life—a life of joy, peace, patience and gentleness. A life free of sin, shame, and selfishness. In this study through Colossians 3:1-17, may your eyes be open to the life you could live, and then may your heart be open to actually living it.
Journey with us
What if Christlikeness became your standard operating procedure, in all circumstances? Imagine a day when you don’t have to work so hard to love God and love others—even when your plans snap loose, when you get passed up for the promotion, when you want to lose it on your spouse, or when you get cut off in traffic. God desires to transform you from the inside out, and in this series, we’ll examine three practices to help you revive our soul.
Describing the indescribable God.
Through this series, we’ll look at a different facet of God’s character, including some surprising qualities you might not fully appreciate about him just yet. There’s a reason this series is so important: Who God is and how we think of him has a significant impact on the way we think and feel and live each day—whether we realize it or not.
God and the Movies 2022
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood. This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
One Another
Diving into Spiritual Friendship
We’re wired for relationship and were created for community. The kind of friends we need are ones who love God and love us—and who help us to love God more. Rarely does a person drift into spiritual friendship. It takes determination & deliberation to form a habit of cultivating spiritual friendships. This series is all about the what, how, and why behind fostering spiritual friendships in your life.
Once Upon A Time
The Parables of Jesus
The parables of Jesus are short stories that pack a punch. They’re intended to evoke an emotional reaction from the hearer, and be a catalyst for true and lasting change. Find out what the parables of Jesus can teach you, and how they can transform everything about life, love, leadership, and everything in between on your journey of discipleship.
Everything You Need
Lessons from the life of Elijah
In studying the life of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, we will internalize God’s promise of faithfulness to his people. Elijah’s story illustrates God’s provision, despite unexpected and disappointing circumstances. God gives his people what they need when they need it, whether they know they need it or not. Even when they think they need something else, God gives provision, protection, and direction—he gives everything you need.
Meant for More
Romans 12
Romans 12 was penned by the Apostle Paul to a group of Jesus followers who found themselves in the middle of political turmoil, social chaos, and relational strife. Diversity of ethnicity, diversity of political affiliation, and diversity of opinions about how the church should love God and love others was on the verge of tearing their community apart. Romans 12 shows us that we are meant for more. We may not be Jesus followers in Rome in the 1st century, but Paul’s words are exactly what we need if you’re going to be a unified and effective church in the 21st century.
More Than You Know
Paul's Prayer to the Ephesians
More Than You Know is based on a single New Testament prayer of Paul, Ephesians 3:14-20. It’s a short passage with a lot to take in! In this 3-part series, we’ll dig deep into three lessons from this potent prayer. 1) You’re stronger than you think. 2) You’re more loved than you realize. 3) Your prayers are probably too small.
Keep Singing
A Season in the Psalms
The book of Psalms is the songbook of God’s people. The songwriters of the Psalms model for us how to keep singing in any and every circumstance Through crisis & contentment, suffering & success, problems & prosperity—the Psalms help us find our song to worship God through it all.
The Gospel of John
A Study of the Gospel of John
In this series, we discover the words of John who—after walking closely with Jesus—spends the remainder of his life pondering what he observed: who Jesus is, what Jesus did, and why that matters. Through colorful, connected stories unique to this gospel, John writes so readers might come to entrust their lives to Jesus, the God and King, who gave his life for us and inspires us to give our lives for others.
Chasing Wisdom
A Journey Through Proverbs
Life is a journey, and the choices we make largely determine our direction. Wisdom enables us to navigate through life, making good decisions at every turn. This fall, we’ll examine the book of Proverbs and look to the wisdom of God to direct the path of our lives.
Radical Generosity
Learning Generostiy.
In this series, we tackle the topic of generosity from the teaching of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. We’ll learn together how to be generous with our judgment, our forgiveness, and our resources.
God and the Movies 2019
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
Nothing to Fear
Journey with us...
In a world full of uncertainty, we tend toward anxiety, which traps us into living life afraid. Join us as we examine how a variety of biblical characters faced and fought their own fears. We’ll discover how to live certain that no matter what scares us, God is with us, and we have nothing to fear.
God and the Movies 2018
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
Inside Out
The Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount reveals the secrets of life. God didn’t hand us a system of rules and regulations to follow; instead, Jesus explains how God originally intended us to live. In this series, we’ll sit at the feet of Jesus with the first disciples, peeling back each layer of Matthew 5-7, to discover that God isn’t interested in modifying our behavior to conform to his standards. He wants us to become the kind of people who will naturally live the way He intended. He plans to change us from the Inside Out.
The Good Life
A Study of the Beatitudes
People chase the American Dream—financial independence, superb health, professional success—hoping to obtain “the good life” those things promise. But what if the pursuit of happiness leads elsewhere? In our series The Good Life, we’ll examine the Beatitudes of Jesus—his announcement of good news to a hurting world—and discover the life blessed by God.
God and the Christmas Movies
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
The Prayers of Paul
Journey with us...
Throughout his letters, Paul prays for his friends in churches scattered throughout the region. As we read his prayers today, we notice a stark contrast between the content of Paul’s prayers and the requests we make of God each day. How might your life change if you prayed prayers like Paul? In this series, we’ll examine four of the apostle’s prayers and begin praying them for ourselves and the people around us.
Closer Than You Think
The Life of Joseph
Joseph was raised in a dysfunctional family, abused by his brothers, sold into slavery, and falsely accused and imprisoned—all before the age of thirty. The evidence was stacked to conclude that God was not with him or near him—or even on his side. But despite being punished, an innocent victim of fear and fault, he finds out God is actually closer than he thinks. Join us for a series on the life of Joseph, and let his tangled, tender story color your own.
God and the Movies 2017
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
James: The Way of Wisdom
The Way of Wisdom
Wisdom is the ability to navigate life well. We long to find the right response, the right words, the right approach as we face suffering or success, and as we manage relationships. The New Testament Epistle of James offers us the opportunity to pluck the practical wisdom of a disciple of Jesus and challenges us to make the choice to apply it to our lives every day. Join us as we examine the tried-and-true wisdom of James—and discover how living out a wise faith can impact all aspects of our lives.
Developing a Theology of Money and Possessions
Money tempts us with power, protection, provision, and pleasure. Its promises are grand and its shelter seemingly secure. No wonder we trust and treat money like a god—it acts like one! Whether you have a little or a lot of it, money can rule you. In this series, we’ll challenge you to take a look at your relationship with money and possessions and examine whether the almighty dollar has uprooted the place of the almighty God in your life. Join us as we learn together how to understand resources in light of God’s economy.
God and the Movies 2016
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
Seven Churches of Revelation
A Study of Revelation 2 & 3
In Revelation 2 & 3, Jesus writes seven letters to seven first-century churches. He warns, instructs, and encourages each unique church community and tells them what he thinks about their faith. Journey with us throughout the rest of the summer and discover how the wisdom and care in these letters can impact your own faith and our church community in the days ahead.
The Book of Philippians
While a prisoner for his faith, Paul penned a passionate letter to his friends in Philippi. He preaches about unity and teaches about the kind of life that thrives in spite of circumstances. Is it really possible to find joy while bearing the pressures and problems of living in a broken world? The Apostle Paul thinks so. Join us each weekend as we work through Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
Psalm 23
A Deep Dive into Psalm 23
This season, we’ll explore the peace that can be found in the valley of Psalm 23. This song has been studied widely through human history as a cherished piece of poetic comfort, but it’s more than good literature. Each week we will examine a different theme from the psalm, exploring its images and painting a vivid picture of how life with God is intended to be. Join us as we move closer to a reality that few of us experience, but all of us should embrace.
God and the Movies 2015
God speaks in many ways. Sometimes he uses Hollywood.
This message series challenges us to allow God to speak into our lives by using some of our favorite movies. Help yourself to some popcorn during the service and open your heart for God to talk to you in a unique way.
Other Messages
Journey with us...
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31