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“Be Moldable“

Speaker: Ken Bohney

Series: Other Messages

Primary text: Jeremiah 18 & 19

Speaker: Ken Bohney
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Jeremiah 18 & 19

Be moldable.

Each and every one of us is a masterpiece of God—lovingly created in his image meant to do good works. At the same time, because of the sin of our fallen world, we’re all marred and broken in some way—for you, perhaps it’s an anger issue, or an eating issue, or a vanity issue; maybe it’s pride, or gossip, or bitterness. Whatever it is, it’s not irredeemable by God. God does some of his best work with broken vessels. Just as a potter molds and re-molds clay, God can re-mold your heart and your life, forming beauty from ashes. If you trust him, he can mold you, so be moldable!

Other texts in this message: Psalm 59:16-17, Acts 3:19, Romans 10:13, Psalm 51:12


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Worship Songs

My Testimony
Brandon Lake / Christopher Joel Brown / Steven Furtick / Tiffany Hammer

Worthy of My Song (Worthy Of It All)
Phil Wickham / Steven Furtick / David Brymer / Ryan Hall

Build My Life
Pat Barrett / Matthew James Redman / Brett Younker / Kirby Kaple / Karl Andrew Martin

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