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“Ask Questions, Don't Question.“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: The Gospel of John

Primary text: John 8:48-59

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 8:48-59

Ask Questions, Don't Question.

Having questions and having strong faith are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the Bible gives us many examples of faithful people whose faith is stretched and made stronger through unanswered questions. But the posture of your questioning may say something about your faith. You can ask questions with a posture of curiosity or a posture of conflict; you can ask questions with a posture of inquiry or a posture of attack. If God is not doing what you think he should be doing, ask questions but don’t question. If he’s not saying what you think he should be saying, ask questions but don’t question. Be curious and ask questions about what God is up to, but as you do, don’t question his unwavering character and competence.

Other texts in this message: Exodus 3:12-14, Proverbs 3:5-6


Ask God questions.

Find someone with whom you can ask questions.

When someone questions your faith, ask good questions.

Check out Alpha or GriefShare, email [email protected] for more information.

Verse for the Week: Proverbs 3:5-6

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Raise a Hallelujah
Jake Stevens, Jonathan Helser, Melissa Helser, and Molly Skaggs

See A Victory
Ben Fielding, Chris Brown, Jason Ingram, and Steven Furtick

Do It Again
Chris Brown, Mack Brock, Matt Redman, and Steven Furtick


Exodus 3:12-14, Proverbs 3:5-6, John 8:48-59, Ask Questions, Don’t Question. Troy Champ

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