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“A New Thing“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: Once Upon A Time

Primary text: Luke 5:33-9

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Once Upon A Time
Primary text: Luke 5:33-9

God is faithful. Not predictable.

Two back-to-back parables in the Gospel of Luke show us that God doesn’t always do what we expect, but he does unpredictably more. God didn’t intend to overthrow the Romans, though that’s what was expected from their Messiah. God’s plan was bigger than conquering the evil of Rome. He came to conquer the evil in you and me. When God doesn’t do what we think he should do, it’s hard to believe it’s part of the plan. If you put God in a box, don’t be surprised if he comes busting out! God is faithful, not predictable.

Other texts in this message: Isaiah 43:15-25, 30:15, 44:1-5, 55:9 John 1:10-11


Shift your posture from complaint to curiosity.

Tell God what you want, but trust him with what you need.

Verse for the Week: Isaiah 55:9

Prayer Requests: [email protected]

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Worship Songs

I Thank God
Chuck Butler / Dante Bowe / Enrique Holmes / Maryanne Joshua George / Aaron Moses Chiriboga / Jesse Lawrence Cline

Elyssa Smith / Alyssa Smith

Good Grace
Joel Timothy Houston

The Old Rugged Cross
P. Mccann / G. Bennard

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The Old Rugged Cross, Good Grace, Surrounded, I Thank God, Isaiah 43:15-25, 30:15, 44:1-5, 55:9 John 1:10-11, Luke 5:33-9, God is faithful. Not predictable., Troy Champ, A New Thing, Once Upon A Time

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