“When God Has a 'Bad' Idea“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 7:1-9
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Gospel of John
Primary text: John 7:1-9

You can trust God's what and when and where.
Have you ever had an idea in your mind about what God is supposed to do in your life? Perhaps along your journey, you’ve experienced pain, confusion, or detours that don’t align with the idea you had. Perhaps these detours make you wonder if God cares about your life and your circumstances. As the disciples experience in John chapter 7, even when your life doesn’t go as planned, you can trust God’s what & when & where. Seemingly, God’s worst idea—sacrificing his one and only perfect son—turned out to be the best thing to happen to our broken world.
Other texts in this message: John 3:16; Psalm 31
Trust what Jesus did. Trust what Jesus said. Trust what Jesus is doing.
Pray Psalm 31
Book Recommendation: Suffering is Never for Nothing, Elisabeth Elliot
Verse for the Week: Psalm 31:14-15
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Worship Songs
Raise a Hallelujah
Jake Stevens, Jonathan Helser, Melissa Helser, and Molly Staggs
O Come To the Altar
Mack Brock, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Wade Joye
Good, Good Father
Pat Barrett and Anthony Brown
Troy Champ, When God has a bad idea, you can trust God’s what and when and where. Psalm 31, John
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